Monthly Archives: May 2012

Eyes of the Placebo. Pt.2.

The whole text.


The switch clicked softly, and the lights turned on.  For a second, we were standing still and silent, yet I noticed her stare was drifting, looking for something in the room.

“Are you alright?”, I asked, trying to understand what’s going on.

“Yeah..sure”, she answered after a short delay, and smiled. “I was just..”

“Looking for something real enough?”

“Yes, sort of”, she smiled again. “Why did you bring me here?”
“Truth be told, I keep asking myself the same question. I don’t even know you name, and that makes the whole situation even stranger, at least it does to me.”

“My name?”, suddenly, she laughed loudly, almost furiously. “My name? After all I’ve said before? My name, really? Oh god.”

“Uh.. Excuse me?”

“You still didn’t get it, did you?”

“I’m afraid, I didn’t. Enlighten me, then?”

“What difference would it make? Give me a name and change it a few years or minutes later, misplace its vowels, twist it, read it backwards, after all! What would be the difference? As for me, there wouldn’t be any, not even a slightest sign of it. So I just don’t bother – and probably shouldn’t you”

“But how would I call you then?”
“Call me any name you want to. There are only two of us, so I don’t see any trouble or chance to adress your words to a wrong person”.

She kept smiling, and all of the sudden I realized that something has changed. Something in her eyes and motions, even in the way she smiled. Something in her very nature.

“Are you alright?”, she asked from the distant corner of the room. “What is it you’re thinking so hard about?”

“Oh, nevermind”, I replied. “So what’s the matter with the names?”

“You still can’t understand it? Ok then, have a sit. It’s going to be a heck of a night.”

“Something tells me it is. So…”

“So here’s the same old thing, once again. Maybe this will give you a clue. Back at the bridge, I thought I’ve said enough, but I was wrong, as it appears. Ok, let’s do it one more time.

The world itself may not exist.”

“Stop right there. How could it possibly…”

“Don’t interrupt me.”

“The world itself may not exist. And I mean the exact words I say. Everything around you could be unreal. The thing is – we won’t ever know for sure. Sounds kinda self-centric, but the only thing you can truely prove to be existing is your mind. Why? Because the fact of a dot asking the Universe about existance of everything else states that the dot IS here, yet without saying anything else is. I’m a dot. And I really wish you are too.”

“But isn’t that.. let me remember the word..solipsism, right? The “I’m the only thing that’s real” point of view.”

“It’s not. You see, solipsist would say that the whole world around him is a fake, made up by his mind. The whole world. That’s the point. A solipsist thinks of himself as of a god, The One and The Only, Alfa and Omega of everything. But isn’t that absurd? Isn’t that ridiculous? I mean – we may sound almost as the same tune, but I can’t stand them. It’s too bloody pathetic, too overwhelmed with self-esteem. It’s almost childish.

I’m sorry, I got carried away from the important things. The solipsist states : he is the Only Thing that Makes and Matters, without the Mind the reality’s gone. I say almost the opposite : we’re not “the only” something, and “The Mind” neither. We’re just people. If we’re gone, the world wouldn’t change. It wouldn’t change at all – at least, I guess so.

You see, the world we know and the world that IS, the world that exists actually – they may be two different worlds. It may be the only one real world we’re somehow floating in, hallucinating or dreaming the Dream we used to call our world. I don’t know what’s behind the door, I don’t even know the shape or the size of the room we’re in now. It’s may be death that awakes us, and it may be birth that takes us away. Everything is possible, and yet I can’t say what’s real.”

“I sound so miserable”, she continued with a faint smile, “I sound so weak, frankly speaking. I feel so weak. It’s like… Just imagine. Everything you’re used to like, or love, or hate, or anything else – everything may be a fake. Everything that worth something may be just a signal in your brain cells. It may be even worse, because we don’t know what’s the Mind is. Maybe we’re just a clouds, drifting in a colossal stream of blazing liquid. Or something plazma-like. Or, for example, everyone, every single one of us is a part of another dream. A dream of something much greater than human can imagine. God, Solaris, the Overmind – our options are limitless.”

“This can’t be true.”

“This can’t be true? How could we even attempt to imagine what’s the real world is?

Picture a child… say, five years old. He plays with his toys, listens and watches the world around him, this way or another. He looks at the toy – and his mind picks up the form. He looks at his parents, so his minds picks up another one. And the process goes on, years by years.

He’s grown now, he has a lot now he never even thought of before. Study, earning money, social activities, relationships, responsibility – you can’t ask his younger version about that, because he didn’t learn the form yet. It’s not that he has no eyes to see, it’s that he stares in the wrong direction.

He grows further. He’s a father now. That’s the form he used to know about, he thinks, but then he realizes that it’s not that simple. He understands that he can’t be the father he dreamed to be years ago – asking nothing, giving everything asked. No, he starts to be a good father – and years after he suddenly appears to be pretty alike his own old man. But as the form is learned, his mind can operate with it, yet the forms could interfere with each other.”

I caught myself sitting with a mouth wide opened.
“What do you mean by interefere?”

“I mean the exact thing the word means. Imagine a movie, a really good one, with strong plot and wisely written characters. The one you really enjoy watching. The first time you see it, it lefts you amazed. The second time you know the ending, yet the movie takes you away – and you forget everything and just enjoy it. But after a several times, the feeling disappears. The more you watch it, the less you enjoy it. You find new details, but you can’t find the same emotions in the same number. And, after all, you may even become tired of the movie, grinding your teeth every time you hear about it. But the point is, the movie hasn’t changed, it’s still the same movie it was when you first came to see it. Reality’s the same, but the spectator can’t agreed with that.

Same thing with the world. The guy that became a father, he thinks of his past different now. He thinks with the mind of grown-up, yet neither past, nor his memories have changed. It’s just the interfering shapes he learned that make the difference.

And now, since you understood the idea of the shapes… I want to ask you a simple question : how could a human imagine something made of parts he has never seen? How could anyone imagine not just the red sky or dark sun, but a place where horizon lies under his feet?”

It was a long silence. It was like trying to catch a balance between the fear and the amazement.

Horizon beneath?

“And what would replace the horizon then?”

“I don’t know. There may be no ground at all.”

“I wish there were”, I thought. “I could really use one right now.”

The third part.

The whole text. 

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Note : About PTs.

I’m terribly sorry about all this Pt. One-two-three-whatever stuff, but sometimes it’s hard to write something  as it comes. And I sometimes can’t use drafts without changing the key idea (which is, most definitely, a bad thing), so here it is the way it is. 

Once again, I’m really sorry, and I still hope You’ll understand and enjoy.



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Eyes of the Placebo. Pt.1.

The whole text :

I still remember her eyes.
Just like it was yesterday.

Boring day. Just another boring day, one could count thousands of them – filled with nothing, days that certainly happened without leaving almost any trace.
Boring, ugly, yet faceless day.

I met her near the old bridge. Her red hair gave some noble-like shine to the rusted and soiled remains of the Koloss, as they called it. Her lips moved, as she kept repeating something, with her eyes stared somewhere far, far away from here. It was nearly hypnotizing to watch her.
Suddenly, she darted to the middle of the bridge, screaming, almost growling – and stopped. Now she was touching the column, smiling and curious, just like a child first seeing a toy.
She looked back at me.

“Do you think this is real enough?”.

Real enough? Seriously?
“Excuse me?”
She smiled again,and now it was a smile of a patient parent.
“Do you think this is real enough”, she repeated in a calm, deep voice.
“Sorry, I still don’t understand.”
“Have you ever heard of placebo?”
“Uh..well, I guess..”
“Have you ever seen any Matrix movie?”
“Yes, I have”, I replied. “So what difference..”
“Why can’t you understand then? Why can’t ANYONE understand it?”

She must be crazy, I thought. She’s got to be mad. Mental, as they call it here.
Pills-driven, chaotic person with something very important missing inside.
So why am I still here, listening to all of this?

“Have you ever loved? Have you ever felt something that was strong enough to take you away? Have you ever questioned the things you’re living in? No, you haven’t. Nobody wants to find this out – and the truth is right here”, she started crying again. “The truth is right before your eyes, and yet everyone’s too blind to see a bloody thing.”
“And what would that be?”
“The truth is”, she answered, “that nothing’s real enough, if you take a really good look. The truth is”, she said in a higher tone, “that there may be no truth. No truth at all. You may be my fantasy, and vice versa. We both could be inside a someone else’s lucid dream. We could be a dream of the bridge. A dream of the planet. An instant hallucination of Solar system, if you want to. When you..”

Suddenly, a cough started. It was a rough cough, the one you wouldn’t expect from such graceful young woman.
“Beg pardon. When you wake up and uprise too fast – haven’t you had that strange feeling, like you aren’t in your body, but just a spectator, a voiceless, powerless gazer?”
“Well, I know what you’re talking about, but that’s just…”
“That’s not my point. How do you know what’s real?”
“How do I WHAT?”
“Yes, you heard me. How do you know that all this is real?”
“Why would I need to know that? It’s just real, that’s it.”
“No, that isn’t. What season is it now?”
“What? Summer, but..”
“Why summer?”

I stared at her, astonished.
“Why summer? Because it’s warm, and it’s shiny, and…”
“… And because you’ve been told it’s summer”, she said with a smile. “You see, we have names for almost everything, but we know them because we’ve been told before. The skies are blue, everyone knows that, right? But what EXACTLY are “the skies” and “the blue”, apart from the words? “Blue” is “blue” just because back in the days someone said “Alright, let’s call this blue”, and everyone else agreed, or something like that. We think we know the world, but all we know is a shape. A shape, a label, a description from someone else. It’s like listening to music someone sings to you. How would you know if he’s not mistaken? How would you know if you aren’t, as well?”
“And you”, she continued after a short pause, “you don’t even ask yourself about something like this. You just live along, drifting on a stream with your head down and your eyes closed.  As agent Smith, as I recall, said in the first Matrix movie, “living your life – oblivious”. You feel something – and at the same time you don’t really feel it, you see? Feeling is a motion, this way or another. But you don’t move, you’re just a spectator – making decisions, and yet so powerless.”

She went silent. All of the sudden I realized that it was almost a midnight.
But I didn’t want to left her here. And even if I could’ve, I didn’t asked myself why.


The second part.

The whole text.

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The idea (optional)

My head is dripping with pain, and I can hardly stop it.


The idea of the blog isn’t just about “daily routine”, twitter-like (with all due respect) set of posts.

Actually, the thing is : I want to try. Try to write something, try to expand my abilities, try to discover something within and without this thinking cell I used to feel as me.

It may sound ambitious, maybe even too ambitious – and that’s probably right. But even one step higher can be described as a willing to touch the sky.

It may sound patethic – and that’s probably right as well. Yet I consider every attempt as something worth trying. Without a try there’s nothing, you know.

Every piece of advice, any kind of criticism is deeply appreciated.

And thank You for reading. Even if You won’t read anything else after this post.

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Hello world! post

Hello world!

Don’t really think I want to change the title.

Hello world! Sounds nice, doesn’t it?

It’s kind of.. I can hardly put it in words. Funny? Exciting?

I don’t know. It feels rather awesome, yet I keep looking for the placebo traces.  You probably know what I mean – when you feel something, but can’t stop the tiny thought deep inside that keeps repeating “it’s fake, and you know it”.

Let the placebo appear to be truth today, even if it wasn’t placebo at all.

Hello world, I think we’re going to do something together.

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